Thursday, September 29, 2016

Goal: 500 QSOs in CaQP

The California QSO Party is this weekend, and I'm aiming for at least 500 QSOs. There, I said it.


And I made it:
 Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Mul  Pt/Q
   3.5  CW      55     165    0   3.0
   3.5  LSB      6      12    0   2.0
     7  CW     104     312    3   3.0
     7  LSB     16      32    0   2.0
    14  CW     164     492   14   3.0
    14  USB     17      32    0   1.9
    21  CW     131     393   32   3.0
    21  USB     24      48    1   2.0
 Total  Both   517    1486   50   2.9
Score: 74,300
1 Mult = 10.3 Q's