Friday, December 28, 2012

SO2R - are you nuts?

Call me crazy, but I've decided to build a single operator two radio (SO2R) station on my small suburban lot.

And I have no towers - just a big redwood tree with an inverted vee at 60 feet, and a ground mounted vertical (still under construction).

The goal isn't to win any major contests. The goal is to build my operator skills so that when I have the opportunity to operate from a shack that is SO2R capable, I can take full advantage of the station's capabilities. In the November Sweepstakes CW contests the last two years, I've had exclusive access to AD6Z's SO2R-enabled shack, but was unable to take advantage of all that aluminum. However, I did make use of the second receiver in my Elecraft K3, and I feel like I've learned enough to at least give SO2R a try.

So, the goals are:
  1. Don't spend a ton of money
  2. Allow me to practice SO2R on any arbitrary pair of HF bands
  3. See rule #1
The first cut on the overall design is:
  • Use the radio I have - a Yaesu FT-857D - as the second radio 
  • Erect a second antenna as far away from my G5RV as possible
  • See if using these two antennas without any bandpass filters works
  • Build or buy an SO2R controller
Likely fails:
  • My K3 has a great front end, but the FT-857D may not perform well with a strong local signal, especially when I'm running the KPA500 amplifier. Maybe a bandpass filter on the FT-857D will do the trick.
  • Operator brain explosion

November Sweepstakes SSB 2011 Recap

Call: KM6I
Operator(s): KM6I
Station: AD6Z

Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: Los Gatos, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 23.5

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  144
   40:  197
   20:  349
   15:  171
   10:  124
Total:  985  Sections = 83  Total Score = 163,510

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Warning: long post - but may be interesting to read due to the fact that two
simultaneous operations were active from the same station. I think I saw one of
those from W3LPL for the CW weekend - did anyone else do one?

K3 + KPA500
80M dipoles (E/W, N/S) @ 110'
2 el 40 (2)
5 el 20
5 el 15
5 el 10

This was a shared-station operation at Kevin, AD6Z's shack above Los Gatos, CA,
in Silicon Valley. Kevin's shack is SO2R-capable, and we split it in two for
this contest. Antennas were shared by getting up and walking over to a
Six-Pack, and band coordination was handled in an ad-hoc fashion, mostly by one
of us getting sick of 20 meters and asking for a change. The 10 and 15 meter
antennas share a common feedline, so it wasn't possible for us to use those two
bands at once, which was kind of a drag since 10 was pretty good this year (I
had my best hour of the contest running on 10).

My goal this year was to make enough QSOs to qualify for the NCCC KB-2000 award
(2000 QSOs between the two Sweepstakes weekends). Since I had made 1085 Qs on
CW, the easy goal was 915 contacts, but I set a stretch goal of 1065 to give me
something to shoot for. I made a target rate sheet by multiplying last year's
rate sheet by 1065/915. That actually turned out to be a bad idea. When sharing
a station, band choice is limited, and that will make the rate sheet very
"lumpy" and unless you are on the same bands as the previous year, the target
rates may not be achievable. But it was good having a target.

This was also my first contest using my shiny KPA500. Since Kevin's the host,
he gets the 1500w amp, but he does have an AL-80B and I could have used that,
but I, well, just wanted to play with my new toy. It just sat there and put out
500w. I could tell its fan was running a little faster when I was running and
CQing a lot, by putting my hand behind the case, but Kevin's AL-1200B was right
behind me sounding like a small tornado, and totally drowned out any small noise
the Elecraft amp was making. Switching bands with the KPA500 in the mix is a
dream: Select the right antenna on the Six Pack, select the correct bandpass
filter, press the band button on the KPA500, and talk. No tuning, and the K3
follows the band selected on the KPA500 (or vice versa). I can't wait to use
this amp in a CW contest and make use of QSK.

Since I led off last year on 15, it was Kevin's turn to get the 10/15 antennas
for the start of the contest. I found a frequency on 20 meters about 10 minutes
before the contest and held it by making some contacts. Then, the contest
started... and I got booted by a really loud station about 500 Hz up from my
run frequency, and no room to move down. He was making rate and I wasn't, so I
went S&Ping up the band to find another slot. After an hour, I hadn't found a
slot, but that was when we'd agreed to swap antennas.

On 10 I got a run frequency right away and the rate went to 76 for the next
hour. I may have made a mistake by choosing a run frequency above 28.5 MHz, but
the band was pretty crowded, and the rate was good, so I stayed.

After that hour we swapped antennas again, so it was back to 20. It was
crowded, as expected, and I S&P'd until I found a run frequency, and then had a
nice 82-QSO run that took an hour and 8 minutes. There was a lot of
headache-inducing splatter on 20. Two stations in particular were the worst
offenders, with one covering 20KHz of the band. I stayed on 20 for a long time
because it was productive and because 15 had closed and Kevin was using the 40
meter antennas.

Just after 0200Z Kevin went to 80 and I hopped on 40 and found a run frequency,
which had rate > 60/hr for a while, but a broadcast station came on at 0230 and
kept getting louder and louder. Around 0330 we swapped antennas and I found a
run frequency low on 80. Rate wasn't great, so I used the second VFO to line up
S&P QSOs and used the SO2V capabilities of N1MM to swap the VFOs quickly for the
"second radio" contacts. I feel like I'm getting more proficient at listening to
the two channels of audio at the same time. The downside is that you give up the
great diversity receive capabilities of the K3 (it puts the two antennas in a
stereo mix), and Kevin's beverage really works great on the low bands.

For the rest of the evening Kevin and I traded off on 40 and 80. My rates were
fairly steady. At 0830Z I got called by V73AX in the Marshall Islands for a
signal report. I stayed up 30 minutes later than last year, as I'd taken a 30
minute break earlier in the day to eat. I quit at 0900 needing ONE and SC.
Because I'd had a good run on 10 and then 20 was productive for me, I had zero
15 meter QSOs in the log, which seemed weird, but that's how things shook out.

Sunday morning I started on 20 around 1400Z but went to 15 at 1430 because it
looked good in the bandmap. I eventually found spots for ONE and SC and had the
sweep at 1921Z, Oddly, I got called by 4 more ONE stations while I was running
on Sunday (one was QRP). Working ONE was a lot easier if you were running.

Kevin and I kept swapping the 20 and 10/15 antennas about every hour until
early afternoon local time, and I actually pulled almost even with my goal.
Near the end of the contest I spent some time trying to run on 80, but I think
I'd worked most of the west coast stations and rate was low. I was able to S&P
some stations in the Midwest/East Coast with the high dipoles, and the
beverage/K3 diversity receive was really helpful there. But looking at the
goals, I realized I'd had a big spike in rate for the last 4 hours last year,
and I wasn't sure if that would materialize. It didn't, and I ended up about 80
QSOs short of the stretch goal. Still, I beat my main goal by 80 QSOs, beat last
year's QSO count by 18, and had a great time in the process.

Thanks again to Kevin for sharing his station with me for the Phone weekend,
and letting me play with it exclusively for the CW weekend. Across the two
weekends, Kevin, me, and his station put more than 2,500 QSOs in the the log.


Time  2011  2011  2012  2012   2012   2012  Diff
      Rate  Total Rate Total Actual Actual  From
                  Goal  Goal   Rate  Total  Goal
2100    48     48   53    53     31     31   -22
2200    27     75   30    83     76    107   +24
2300    52    127   57   140     30    137    -3
0000    58    185   64   204     38    175   -29
0100    43    228   47   251     70    245    -6
0200    47    275   52   303     55    300    -3
0300    33    308   36   339     28    328   -11
0400    45    452   50   389     44    372   -17
0500    41    394   45   434     28    400   -34768
0600    48    442   53   487     41    441   -46
0700    58    500   64   551     35    476   -76
0800     8    508    9   559     31    507   -52
0900     0    508    0   559      0    507   -52
1000     0    508    0   559      0    507   -52
1100     0    508    0   559      0    507   -52
1200     0    508    0   559      0    507   -52
1300     0    508    0   559      0    507   -52
1400    23    531   25   585     40    547   -38
1500    32    563   35   620     52    599   -21
1600    34    597   37   658     36    635   -23
1700    26    623   29   686     42    677    -9
1800    23    646   25   711     18    695   -16
1900    25    671   28   739     42    737    -2
2000    26    697   29   768     28    765    -3
2100    24    721   26   794     10    775   -19 *
2200    35    756   39   833     49    824    -9
2300    60    816   66   899     38    862   -37
0000    50    866   55   954     54    916   -38
0100    61    927   67   1021    42    958   -63
0200    40    967   44   1065    27    985   -80

* Lost will to face 20M, took some off-time


Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA &


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
2100       0      0      0     31      0      0     31     31    3.1
2200       0      0      0      2      0     74     76    107   10.9
2300       0      0      0     14      0     16     30    137   13.9
0000       0      0      0     38      0      0     38    175   17.8
0100       0      0      0     70      0      0     70    245   24.9
0200       0      0     52      3      0      0     55    300   30.5
0300       0     18     10      0      0      0     28    328   33.3
0400       0     30     14      0      0      0     44    372   37.8
0500       0      0     28      0      0      0     28    400   40.6
0600       0     41      0      0      0      0     41    441   44.8
0700       0      9     26      0      0      0     35    476   48.3
0800       0     31      0      0      0      0     31    507   51.5
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    507   51.5
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    507   51.5
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    507   51.5
1200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    507   51.5
1300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    507   51.5
1400       0      0      0      9     31      0     40    547   55.5
1500       0      0      0     24     28      0     52    599   60.8
1600       0      0      0     13     23      0     36    635   64.5
1700       0      0      0     27     15      0     42    677   68.7
1800       0      0      0     18      0      0     18    695   70.6
1900       0      0      0      0     25     17     42    737   74.8
2000       0      0      0     11      0     17     28    765   77.7
2100       0      0      0     10      0      0     10    775   78.7
2200       0      0      0     18     31      0     49    824   83.7
2300       0      0      1     19     18      0     38    862   87.5
0000       0      0     28     26      0      0     54    916   93.0
0100       0      0     38      4      0      0     42    958   97.3
0200       0     15      0     12      0      0     27    985  100.0
Total      0    144    197    349    171    124    985

Gross QSOs=994        Dupes=9        Net QSOs=985

Unique callsigns worked = 985

The best 60 minute rate was 76/hour from 2200 to 2259
The best 30 minute rate was 90/hour from 2226 to 2255
The best 10 minute rate was 108/hour from 1455 to 1504

The best 1 minute rates were:
 4 QSOs/minute    1 times.
 3 QSOs/minute   16 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  175 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  583 times.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20M Sweepstakes Heckler

This is one of the more creative hecklers I've heard in recent November Sweepstakes:

And it just begged to be worked into a riff:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

SS Phone 2012 Prep

Like the last two years, I'll be station-sharing with AD6Z at his mountain shack above Silicon Valley. Kevin and I will be operating two contest efforts simultaneously, utilizing his excellent antenna farm and bandpass filters.

My goal for this year is to make [2000 (nccc kb-2000 award) - 1085 (raw qsos from the cw weekend)] = 915 qsos. Of course, I need to add a stretch goal onto that number, so the real goal is 1065 Qs for this weekend, and I'm assuming a sweep. Given the reduced activity observed during the CW weekend, this might be a real stretch, but it's my goal and I'm sticking to it.

I plan to give my new KPA500 amplifier a workout during the contest. Although I'll be giving away about 3dB relative to Kevin's AL-80B amp, well, hey, it's family.

Strategy updates this year: if I'm not CQing, I'm losing. Keep hitting the damn F1 key, lamer! Other than that, the strategy advice is to be more aggressive, and stick with a run frequency even when you think it's dried up -- it'll come back to life.

Also, devote more attention to 10 meters. While pickings were slim during the CW weekend, there are potentially more SSB contacts to be had from Novice/Technician licensees from 28.3 to 28.5 (so if you're CQing, don't go high).

Hope to work you this weekend!

-- Update Thursday Nov 15

I just got back from Kevin's shack where we got everything plugged in and checked out. We re-fused the KPA500 to run from 220V so it will be using one of the dedicated 220V circuits. A couple of of other random notes:

  • I was seeing very high SWR on all bands, and disconnecting and reconnecting the coax from the bandpass filter to the amplifier remedied the problem. So if that crops up again, that's the cable to replace.
  • Both operating positions share a beverage receive antenna, which is plugged into the AUX antenna input on my K3. To enable diversity receive with the beverage, hold the SUB button until the display reads DIVERSTY. But be aware that any SO2V stuff, like selecting the 2nd entry window, will pull the subreceiver off of diversity duty, and when you go back to VFO A's window, diversity receive will not be restored. I think the way to use this is to just know that, if you've got a weak station calling, to turn on the diversity receive and don't worry about the second VFO.
  • I loaded my rate goals into N1MM, and in the process, noticed just how "lumpy" they are. That reflects some bad operating decisions on my part last year (like, why did my rate drop to 30/hr in the second hour of the contest?). But there are also some puzzling rate bumps in the last few hours of the contest. Depending on those rate bumps again (especially given how hard the last few hours of SSCW were) would be a bad idea. Basically, I should have put some more thought into my rate goals, rather than just taking last years log and multiplying it by a constant.
  • I'll be 3dB down from last year, since I'll be using 500w instead of 1000w. But I'm hoping to make up the difference with more aggressive CQing.

Friday, November 9, 2012

KM6I SSCW 2012 Report

Call: KM6I
Operator(s): KM6I
Station: AD6Z

Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: Los Gatos, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   64
   40:  299
   20:  351
   15:  365
   10:    6
Total: 1085  Sections = 83  Total Score = 180,110

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Many many thanks to my station host Kevin, AD6Z, for letting my use his amplifiers and aluminum farm again this year. Like previous years, Kevin provided me a local skimmer to feed me spots. He also heroically pulled a Macgyver when the wireless connectivity to my laptop failed, and built a wireless bridge from a Netgear router and some open-source software. And then when the amplifier failed he built a new one from a coat hanger, some aluminum foil, and a potato. Ok, I made that up. But the wireless bridge thing is true.

Elecraft K3 + AL-1200B
80M dipoles (E/W, N/S) @ 110'
2 el 40 (2)
5 el 20
5/5 el 15
5 el 10

When I sat down to plan for this contest, I looked back at last year's score and noticed that I was 17th place nationally in Single-Op Unlimited HP. Delusions of grandeur led me to calculate that if I could improve my score by 6%, I might crack the top ten and get my call listed in QST. And then I calculated that if I added 130 more QSOs and got an 83-section clean sweep, it would put me at 200,000 points, so I set that as my stretch goal. I created a target rate sheet for the stretch goal so I could track my hour-by-hour progress.

I also did a few things to reduce the number of QLFs, including using a full-size keyboard instead of the built-in mini keyboard on the netbook I use for logging. I also used a second, larger monitor to let me have larger bandmaps on screen. Last year I only used the netbook screen and the bandmap was just too short vertically to see new calls unless they were close to my run frequency.
I made sure to find a good run frequency about 15 minutes before the contest and occupied it right up until the bell. That paid off, with rates the first two hours of 94 and 84 vs 76 and 76 last year. I was excited to be slightly ahead of my stretch goal after the first two hours.

I stayed pretty close to my goal rate most of Saturday, and tried to use N1MM's SO2V support to get S&P QSOs queued up on the KRX3 subreceiver during slow times. I actually managed to grab a couple of extra Qs that way, and only lost my run frequency once. It was good to discover that managing the separate audio streams in each ear didn't cause my head to explode.

Saturday night I started to fall behind my goals pretty significantly, and I decided to stop at 12:30am local time instead of 1am like last year, hoping that starting at 5:30 would give me more time on 20 when the east coasters were there. I had 660 Qs in the log and was missing only RI.

When I got started at 1330Z Sunday morning, 20 wasn't happening yet, so I ended up starting on 40 and did pretty well, with 27 QSOs in 30 minutes. Maybe it was still a good choice despite 20 not working. I moved up to 20 at 1400Z and got called by RI for the sweep at 1419.

Later, though, things really started to come apart. The bump in rate I saw at 1600Z last year never materialized, and I kept sliding backwards toward my totals from last year. It really felt like I'd worked everyone, and everything the skimmer was seeing (and that I could find by tuning around) was a dupe. Switching bands every now and then would find a few fresh-meat calls being devoured by bloodthirsty pileups, and CQing on that band would produce little bursts of rate, but it wasn't enough to keep me on track. I kept at it, watching for new calls to pop up on the skimmer and pouncing on them.

Sunday afternoon, Kevin and I noticed that many of the big guns were showing skimmer spots on two bands at once - probably using dueling CQ mode on their SO2R setups.

Finally, at 0200Z after CQing on 80 meters for 10 minutes straight without a call, and staring at a bandmap full of grey, I decided to call it quits. On the bright side, I got home in time to say goodnight to my kids.

In retrospect, having the rate goals was motivating for the most part, and I'm glad I used them, even though it was frustrating on Sunday. I saw some 3830 soapbox comments where people felt like participation was down about 10% from last year. So maybe staying even with last year's rate was actually an improvement. The sweep might be at risk from log-checking, though, as I only have one contact each for NNY, ONN, and PR.

Looking at the 3830 claimed scores, I'm sitting in 13th 14th place right now. Well, there's always next year!

Thanks for the QSOs everyone!



Rate Goals vs. Actual:

Hour 2011 Goal Actual

---- ---- ---- ------
2100   76   85    94
2200  152  169   178
2300  227  254   231
0000  297  331   316
0100  352  392   380
0200  414  462   448
0300  473  527   498    
0400  509  568   551
0500  560  625   595
0600  607  677   640
0700  643  717   660
0800  643  717   660
0900  643  717   660
1000  643  717   660
1100  643  717   660
1200  643  717   660
1300  643  717   687
1400  690  770   738
1500  733  818   776
1600  786  877   823
1700  836  933   855
1800  873  973   896
1900  901 1005   923
2000  933 1041   951
2100  960 1072   975
2200  988 1102  1002
2300 1022 1140  1031
0000 1052 1172  1068
0100 1078 1202  1085
0200 1099 1226  1085

Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA & N6TV


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
2100       0      0      0      0     94      0     94     94    8.7
2200       0      0      0      0     84      0     84    178   16.4
2300       0      0      0     34     19      0     53    231   21.3
0000       0      0      0     85      0      0     85    316   29.1
0100       0      0     37     27      0      0     64    380   35.0
0200       0      0     68      0      0      0     68    448   41.3
0300       0      0     50      0      0      0     50    498   45.9
0400       0      0     53      0      0      0     53    551   50.8
0500       0     11     33      0      0      0     44    595   54.8
0600       0     40      5      0      0      0     45    640   59.0
0700       0     13      7      0      0      0     20    660   60.8
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    660   60.8
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    660   60.8
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    660   60.8
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    660   60.8
1200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    660   60.8
1300       0      0     27      0      0      0     27    687   63.3
1400       0      0      0     51      0      0     51    738   68.0
1500       0      0      0     24     14      0     38    776   71.5
1600       0      0      0     30     17      0     47    823   75.9
1700       0      0      0     14     17      1     32    855   78.8
1800       0      0      0      0     41      0     41    896   82.6
1900       0      0      0      1     25      1     27    923   85.1
2000       0      0      0     11     17      0     28    951   87.6
2100       0      0      0     14      6      4     24    975   89.9
2200       0      0      0      1     26      0     27   1002   92.4
2300       0      0      0     24      5      0     29   1031   95.0
0000       0      0      3     34      0      0     37   1068   98.4
0100       0      0     16      1      0      0     17   1085  100.0
0200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1085  100.0
Total      0     64    299    351    365      6   1085

Gross QSOs=1095        Dupes=10        Net QSOs=1085

Unique callsigns worked = 1085

The best 60 minute rate was 95/hour from 2342 to 0041
The best 30 minute rate was 104/hour from 2103 to 2132
The best 10 minute rate was 120/hour from 2112 to 2121

The best 1 minute rates were:
 3 QSOs/minute   10 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  204 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  647 times.

There were 30 bandchanges and 1 (0.1%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

Identify this Antenna?

Can anyone identify this antenna? It's on one of the buildings that's under construction at VMware (where I work). The building was, I think, previously used by Roche Pharmaceuticals, or perhaps SAP.

It'd be pretty cool to be able to use this for contests. But it'll be a real receiver workout - you can probably see W6YX's antennas from that rooftop.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

SSCW 2012 Preparation

I'm excited to be preparing for another solo Sweepstakes CW effort from Kevin, AD6Z's QTH this year. Here are some of the things I'm doing to prepare for this year's event.

New for me this year - SO2V

The last few years, I've gotten a bit frustrated with the pace of the contest on the second day. Since Sweepstakes (SS) rules only allow one contact with each station, regardless of band, SS tends to be an activity-limited event, as opposed to rate limited events like the CQWPX Contest, which allow once-per-band contacts. This means that Sunday afternoon can be pretty slow.

For example, suppose I've been calling CQ on 15 meters for 3 minutes without a response. Should I press on with this run frequency? What's limiting my rate? Should I find a new run frequency?

Listening to my recordings from last year, I think I was probably too quick to give up on a run frequency and start an S&P pass up or down the band. This year, I plan to use N1MM's SO2V (Single Operator 2 VFO) support to keep the run frequency and start tuning with my K3's second receiver for an unworked station (I'll be entering the assisted class, so I should be able to visually tune onto a spot on the VFO B bandmap). If I don't get a response to my current CQ, hitting backslash and Enter will swap VFOs and send my call, and when the S&P contact is finished, another backslash + Enter will pop back to the run frequency and call CQ.

This is not as good as true SO2R (Single Operator 2 Radio), but is a lot easier to implement. You don't need (obviously) a second radio, nor do you need bandpass filters. I'm hopeful that it will help keep the rate a little higher during the latter parts of the contest.

Of course, it would be silly to try this for the first time in a contest you want to do well in. I practiced this technique during the California QSO Party, and found that I was able to handle the "mental workload" associated with managing the entry window focus and listening to two receivers at once. So I feel ready.

Ergonomic Tweaks

I'm making a few minor ergonomic tweaks that should help improve my score this year:

Full Size Keyboard - I use an HP Netbook for logging, and while it's a nice little computer, it has a mini keyboard, and in particular, the functions keys are really small. I attribute a few of my busted QSOs to fat-fingering the received exchange, so using a full-size keyboard should help. A full-size keyboard will also make CW speed control easier. On the netbook's keyboard, to do PgUp and PgDown, you need to hold the Fn key, and all three of those keys are really tiny.

Big Function Key Labels - If your function key labels are hard to read, it's really easy to hit the wrong one when handling a fill request. In fact, I was so bad at it last year that I mostly sent fills by hand. This year I'm putting a long strip of cardstock above the Fn keys with big, clear labels.

Two Monitors - last year, I was only using the laptop monitor, and that didn't give me sufficient vertical space for the bandmap. As a result, it was hard to see when an unworked station would show up. This year, I'm planning to use an external monitor for the entry windows and bandmaps, and put the more "strategic" windows like multipliers, score, and rate on the smaller laptop display.

Automate, Automate, Automate

I've found that the more I have to think about mundane tasks, the more likely it is that I'll get distracted and make a mistake. For example, if I've used RIT to tune in an off-frequency caller, if I forget to center the RIT dial, then I may have to fiddle with it on the next QSO. To solve that problem, N1MM has a nifty macro, {CLEARRIT} that I now have in my "TU" message. So there's one less thing to think abiout.

I also finally "get" Enter-Sends-Message (ESM) mode in N1MM. I used to shy away from it, especially in S&P mode, because I didn't understand the relationship beween the selected entry field and what ESM would send. Now that I've had a lot of practice with it, I can do almost all my logging meta-actions with just the Enter key and the Tab key.

Propagation Maps

Stu, K6TU, has developed a really neat Propagation service that produces propagation maps specific to your location and station characteristics. They're a great way to understand which bands are open, and to where. In the past, Dean Straw, N6BV, has produced a map like this and shared it with the club, but Stu's service allows you to customize it. The service does all the heavy lifting with the VOACAP program and generates a plot of expected signal strengths across either the US/Canada or the world.

Here's an example plot for AD6Z for 10 meters at the opening of the contest, assuming a smoothed sunspot number of 79:

I've found these maps to be a big help when planning band change strategies, or chasing that elusive mult. For example, the map above tells me that if I'm looking for high rate, 10 meters might not be the best choice, because it's just not putting a big signal into the heavily populated east coast. The 15 meter map, on the other hand, predicts S9+10 signals into the east coast:

Of course, this doesn't mean that 10 meters isn't worth using, since it will likely be open and stations will go there to spread out and get away from crowded conditions on 15 and 20.

Stu is offering the complete service free of charge to NCCC members for a limited time.  For non-NCCC members, there will be free services as well as enhanced services that are available with a subscription fee. See

Local Skimmer Again

Like last year, Kevin will have his SDR + CW Skimmer running locally, feeding spots to my laptop. This works out really well in practice - you don't end up seeing spots for stations you can't hear, which can happen if you're getting spots from the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN), whose receivers may be far away from you. The only problem was that the SDR was getting desensed by my transmitter, and could only "hear" when I wasn't transmitting. I'm hoping that we can address that issue because there will be much less non-transmitting time if I'm using SO2V effectively. As a backup, I can always switch to a traditional packet cluster node to receive spots from other SS participants and/or the RBN.

Stretch Goal

Last year I had a claimed score (before log-checking) of 1099 QSOs and 80 sections for a score of 175,840, completely SO1R, in the U (assisted, high power) class. I'm hopeful that I can add a hundred or so contacts by using SO2V, so I'm setting a stretch goal of 200,000 points, which works out to 1,205 contacts, assuming I get all 83 sections.

Hope to see you on the air!

-Gordon KM6I

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

SSCW 2011 Log Check Report Analysis - With Audio

The Log Check Reports (LCRs) for the 2011 November Sweepstakes were just published. I've taken my LCR] and reviewed each score reduction against the recorded audio from the contest, in an effort to learn something. I've included audio links so you can hear what I heard last November. For the record, I was operating from Kevin AD6Z's excellent QTH, in the mountains above Los Gatos, CA. As it turns out, I ended up 17th place nationally in the Unlimited High Power category - pretty happy with that result!

To set the context, here is the summary section of the LCR:

Raw QSOs = 1104
Dupes = 5
Busted QSOs = 19
Penalty QSOs = 5
Time Expired = 0
Final QSOs = 1075
Band Breakdown (160-10): 0 104 291 161 277 242
QSO Points = 2150
Multiplier = 80
Final score = 172000
Error rate = 1.7% (100 X (Busted QSOs / Duped QSO total))
So what happened to those 19 QSOs, and what could I have done to improve?

Busted Calls

LCR: WA2GBU (QSO #807) is a busted call.
The correct call is WA2GBF.

This was a tough QSO with a QRP station. I got fills for everything but the call. I should have confirmed it.

Busted Checks/Sections

LCR: QSO #33 N6BV : B 59 Eb should be B 59 Scv
I LOGGED: N6BV 0034 B 59 EB

Well, this is embarrassing. Clear case of not correcting the pre-fill. Dean guest-ops at various places, and his section isn't constant.

LCR: QSO #82 WB8JUI : A 70 Oh should be A 71 Oh

I clearly busted the check. 71 was clear as a bell. Probably not checking the pre-fill.

LCR: QSO #240 W4AS : U 76 SFl should be U 78 SFl
I LOGGED: W4AS 0030 U 76 SFL

Probably another pre-fill fail. Not hard to copy that 78.

LCR: QSO #315 AE2T : A 68 WNy should be A 69 WNy
I LOGGED: AE2T 0054 A 68 WNY

Pre-fill again, most likely. I was perhaps distracted by the other fills I was working on.

LCR: QSO #317 K6OI : Q 70 Lax should be Q 80 Lax
I LOGGED: K6OI 0045 Q 70 LAX

This sounds like a legitimate bust to me - I can see how one might hear 70 or 80 due to the QSB.

LCR: QSO #1084 W4NBS : A 68 Al should be A 69 Al
I LOGGED: W4NBS 0420 A 68 AL

Very weak signal. A legitimate fail on my part. Should have asked for a fill.

LCR: QSO #1085 K1DG : A 67 Me should be A 67 Nh
I LOGGED: K1DG 0075 A 67 ME

Clearly sent NH. Prefill fail.

LCR: QSO #155: QSO not found in log of VA7HU
I LOGGED: VA7HU 0069 A 62 BC

Pretty sure I got the call and exchange correct, so i think this one isn't my fault. I've QLF'd logging contacts enough times to know this just happens sometimes.

LCR: QSO #205: QSO not found in log of K0INR
I LOGGED: K0INR 0048 U 57 IA

Other than some trouble copying the initial call due to QRM, I think I got this one right.

LCR: QSO #403: Received QSO# 20 should be 204 W6AYC
I LOGGED: W6AYC 0020 A 68 SB

W6AYC was really loud, and I can't imagine having trouble copying that exchange. I must have fat-fingered the number, or I was not paying attention.

LCR: QSO #414: Received QSO# 71 should be 76 N2RI
I LOGGED: N2RI 0071 A 71 NLI

I missed the QSO number, which actually is pretty clear in the recording, and I should have copied it. So I asked for a fill "NR?". I think the other station mis-copied my fill request and sent his check, which was pretty close to the QSO number.

LCR: QSO #483: Received QSO# 271 should be 171 K2SX
I LOGGED: K2SX 0271 U 55 SC

He sent it 3 times, and I blew it. This was a tough QSO.

LCR: QSO #538: Received QSO# 444 should be 544 K3TN
I LOGGED: K3TN 0444 U 69 MDC

Some fast QSB on the "5" in "544" was the culprit here. Too over-confident. Should have asked for a fill.

LCR: QSO #540: Received QSO# 21 should be 216 K2SE
I LOGGED: K2SE 0021 B 76 SNJ

When he first sent his exchange, it was "21B B", and when I asked for a fill for number, I got "21B" twice. Clearly the op was sending CW manually, and I got confused by the missing dit in the 6. I should have asked for a fill on both the number and the precedence separately, as I assumed he was sending the nr and prec in response to my fill request for nr.

LCR: QSO #612: Received QSO# 176 should be 186 N7VS
I LOGGED: N7VS 0176 A 65 OR

Way loud, and I blew it. Fat-finger error.

LCR: QSO #968: QSO not found in log of W3UL
I LOGGED: W3UL 0548 U 54 MDC

I think I got this one right. It's suspicious that instead of a "TU" the other station called CQ. I suspect he lost me and didn't log the contact.

LCR: QSO #1036: Received QSO# 254 should be 244 K0NW
I LOGGED: K0NW 0254 A 58 ORG

QSB got the last dash of the first "4". I should have asked for a fill - not sure why I didn't.

LCR: QSO #1066: QSO not found in log of K4YZ
I LOGGED: K4YZ 0084 A 72 TN

Sounds like he got it. Not sure why I got a NIL. In this clip, you can hear how well the K3's diversity receive works - listen for K4YZ's signal as it swings from one stereo channel to the other.

Summary and Lessons Learned

Of the 19 busts, it sounds to me like 3 were beyond my control, but the other 16 were completely my fault.

The main takeaway here is that prefills, while being a good timesaver, can lead to errors. So, should I abandon them for next year? After thinking about it for a while, I think I'll continue to use them, because:

  • My error rate is pretty low. Improving my error rate might even lower my overall score, if I spend too much time digging out weak signals.
  • For the most part, using the prefills speeds up my "TU" when running, when the prefill matches.

Beyond that, the main source of errors seems to be fat-fingering contacts, and not noticing it. I suspect that distractions in the shack (conversations, turning rotators, eating, etc.) are the root cause of these errors.

Thanks for reading, and I'd love to hear any comments, suggestions, etc.


Gordon KM6I